/* Various functions for dealing with passwords. */ var min_len=4; var max_len=20; var format="None"; /* Check length and format of password */ function pwdLengthAndFormat(pwd) { var pwd_len = pwd.length; if (pwd_len < min_len || pwd_len > max_len) { window.alert("The PIN must be between 4 and 20 characters!"); return false; } return true; /* This is no longer done in javascript but in customizeable system parameters */ if (format == "NUMERIC") { var good_chars = "0123456789"; for (i=0; i < pwd_len; i++) { if (good_chars.indexOf(pwd.charAt(i)) == -1) { window.alert("The PIN can only include numbers!"); return false; } } } return true; } /* Make sure both passwords are the same and not blank. */ function userVerify(user) { if (user == "") { window.alert("User login name is required!"); return false; } else { /* We are good, submit the form. */ return true; } } function pwdVerify(pwd1, pwd2) { if ((pwd1 == "") || (pwd2 == "")) { window.alert("The PINs cannot be left blank!"); return false; } else { if (pwd1.indexOf('\\') > -1) { window.alert("\\ is not a supported character."); return false; } if (pwd1 != pwd2) { window.alert("The PINs must be the same!"); return false; } if (pwdLengthAndFormat(pwd1) == false) { return false; } else { /* We are good, submit the form. */ return true; } } } /* Make sure both passwords are the same. */ function pwdVerifyAllowBlank(a_form) { var pwd1 = a_form.pwd1.value; var pwd2 = a_form.pwd2.value; if (pwd1 != pwd2) { window.alert("The PINs must be the same!"); return false; } else if(pwd1.length == 0 || pwd1 == null) { if(typeof a_form.save_pwd != "undefined" && a_form.save_pwd.value.length != 0 && a_form.save_pwd.value != null) { a_form.pwd1.value = a_form.save_pwd.value; a_form.pwd2.value = a_form.save_pwd.value; return true; } else { alert("You must set a PIN!"); return false; } } else if (pwdLengthAndFormat(pwd1) == false) { return false; } else { /* We are good, submit the form. */ return true; } } function blankPassword(a_form) { alert("HRM"); var pwd1 = a_form.pwd1.value; var pwd2 = a_form.pwd2.value; if(pwd1 == pwd2 && (pwd1.length == 0 || pwd1 == null)) { a_form.pwd1.value = a_form.save_pwd.value; a_form.pwd2.value = a_form.save_pwd.value; alert(a_form.pwd1.value); alert(a_form.pwd2.value); return true; } else return false; } function hasPassword(pwd) { alert("HI"); if(pwd.length == 0 || pwd == null) { alert("You must set a PIN!"); return false; } else return true; }